Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday 13 From The Pink Palace

Thursday Thirteen

We went to the Pink Palace Museum yesterday for field trip day. There is an IMAX Theater, a Planetarium, a wide assortment of permanent and temporary exhibits and then there are displays in the main house.

The main house was being built for Clarence Saunders, inventor of the self-service grocery, before he went bankrupt attempting to maintain control of his company stock. One of the exhibits is a to size replica of Clarence's first Piggly Wiggly.

What struck me the most as we wandered through was not how small it was, or the lack of choice, or even the way you were herded through like cattle; instead what I was struck by were how many things on those few shelves were things I have in my home today.

    Kellogg's Corn Flakes
  1. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
  2. Cream of Wheat
  3. Quaker Oats
  4. Quaker Oats
  5. Gold Medal Flour
  6. White Lily Flour
  7. flours, cornmeal, sugar
  8. Domino Sugar
  9. Quaker Corn Meal
  10. Log Cabin Syrup
  11. Log Cabin Syrup
  12. Jello Brand Jello
  13. Del Monte Green Beans
  14. Del Monte Green Beans
  15. McCormick's Cloves
  16. Morton's Salt
  17. Morton's Salt
  18. Lava Soap

Funny isn't it how so much has changed in our world and yet we still use these things. Makes me feel a little closer to the past, if only for the moment.


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  1. This is astounding!!! You're right...those things from long ago are still stocked by grocers today. Great post.

    My Thursday 13 [scroll below my Thursday Thunks] post is now published. It's a fun quiz for you with a PRIZE I made to grab-- if you win!! If you have time....would appreciate your visit. Have a great day.

  2. Wow, those are great. Where is this museum? I would love to visit it.

  3. It's amazing that these products haven't really changed all that much. Happy TT!

  4. Wow. It's nostalgic, like a trip back in time. How cool that you noticed them and photographed 13 things. You blogger, you.

  5. I enjoyed this time travel field trip. I do love Quaker Oats and the other products too.

  6. So these are the common household items you all use. I am familiar with the Quaker Oats and Kellog's brand.
